The Washington City Council questioned change order dollar figures for the Housing Rehabilitation program at their most recent meeting. Three change orders were on the agenda of the Council meeting with a total price of $35,050. Council members questioned the cost of the changes and asked City Administrator Joe Gaa for more information on the cost difference, “So to kind of explain this to what I believe what’s happening is the contractor along the way is coming up and noticing these things and then reports to ECICOG who is administering this for us, and then they approve the change orders. They are not bringing them to us until now, when it’s all done, we are not seeing them at the time. So it’s kind of hard to explain. And some of these might have been done even before I got here, a lot of these were approved last spring.” Gaa will be contacting the ECICOG staff for the rehabilitation program to get more information on the change order amounts and how much funding was left in the grant for these projects. The items were tabled until the next meeting where the council will decide to approve the amounts or not.