4-H’ers involved in the swine project area have several important events coming soon. On February 18th at 6 p.m. will be the annual “Know Your Swine” Workshop and Exhibitor Meeting for new and beginning swine showmen at the Extension Office. This is an introductory meeting to the swine project and current swine industry topics. ISU Swine Specialist Matt Romoser, 4-H swine superintendents and mentor families, and 4-H staff will discuss many project areas. This meeting is required if you plan to show swine at the 2025 county fair and have not attended a 4-H swine meeting since the ractopamine rule started in 2020. All swine exhibitors must attend one of these ractopamine-free project meetings with a parent/guardian to exhibit at the Washington County Fair. Questions regarding how to get involved with the swine project area as an exhibitor or community partner may be directed to the Washington County Extension Office.