Mid-Prairie FFA members enjoyed their time at last week`s Legislative Symposium. The students met many politicians at the capital including District 46 Senator Dawn Driscoll, District 92 Representative Heather Hora, and District 91 Representative Judd Lawler. During their time with the lawmakers, they discussed current legislation, how to contact local legislators, and exhibit skills learned in the ag classroom. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig spoke about the importance of agriculture in Iowa and abroad. Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Vice President Brian Feldpausch also spoke about the importance young agriculturalists can play in the agriculture industry. The other speaker was Jake Swanson of the High Yield Strategies. His message was about the importance of advocating for the agricultural industry.
The FFA members from Mid-Prairie that attended were Elliie Callahan, Caedyn Huston, Cuyler Rourke, Madelyn Sieren, Allie Whetstine and Jason Yoder. The Mid-Prairie FFA members were joined by Advisor Elsa Schmidt.