
The Washington City Council discussed gravel parking for the PLANT Washington group on Tuesday evening. 

The group had asked for permission to put down gravel for a parking area at the site, and City Administrator Joe Gaa had some hesitation on applying gravel, “We heard a presentation on how the community garden is progressing, we know there are some trees down there now, and garden boxes will follow in spring. But there were a couple of things that we wanted a little more direction on, the first one was talk of gravel parking, so this would be to just throw some gravel down essentially in the right-of-way. Well if this was someone’s house and they asked to do that, we would say no.” The council agreed with Mr. Gaa and asked the group to wait and see what the parking would be like at the location without laying out gravel. 

The group agreed to wait a year and see what the parking situation would look like once the garden is fully up and running.