
A business of the year and a citizen of the year were named by the Washington Chamber of Commerce at the annual Washington County Business Partnership Annual Dinner. On Monday at the Riverside Casino and Golf Resort, Washington County Hospital and Clinics received the honor of being named the Business of the Year. Erik Buchholz highlighted the ways WCHC helps the community it serves, “It’s transforming healthcare in our region, making it more accessible, innovative, and comprehensive than ever before. Over the past year alone, Washington County Hospital and Clinics has expanded its reach, advanced its technology, and introduced a wide-range of new specialty and services to better serve the community, expanded primary care access by opening a brand new clinic in Kalona and announcing another coming soon in Mediapolis, ensuring more families have high-quality care close to home.”

The Citizen of the Year is Pastor Darren Brown who has been instrumental in establishing The Lighthouse Center and The Master’s Hand Thrift Store. Brown shared part of his story during his acceptance speech, “And I want you to know that I wasn’t always this guy that stands on this stage here and does this. I was a drug addict and alcoholic, and I was a mess. And I spent 12 years of my life locked up in prison – in and out, in and out, because I didn’t know how to make decisions and choices. I couldn’t live in this world. Twenty-five years ago I gave my heart to Christ and that changed me, and it made me the man that I am today, slowly but surely by putting one foot in front of the other to keep going.”

Brown closed with a look to the future, “And I want to keep doing things for the City of Washington and the County of Washington. And I thank you for joining me, and walking along with me, and helping and encourage all of the new things and stuff that comes along that is working for bettering the community, making people stronger, setting people free, so that we can all grow and give God glory. Thank you very much.”

The Lighthouse Center is self-described as a Christian community outreach center and is located at 604 South Iowa Avenue in Washington. It provides meals and supplies for people in the area, along with emergency housing for up to 45 days.