Crews battle a field fire north of Washington in October. Photo by Sally Y. Hart

Spring is a time when many landowners have field fires or burns to get rid of excess brush and foliage, but many times these become out of control and area fire departments are called to the scene. Waylon Schultz, Chief of the Ainsworth Fire Department, shares many fire departments in the area will assist with controlled burns. Schultz calls it a win-win, as it gives the crew training and helps the landowner keep the fire under control. Don’t burn if it is windy and don’t leave fires unattended.

Also, he recommends if someone plans to have a field fire, call it in to the Washington County Safety Center. He explains this helps with calls to instances and they may advise area fire departments are out dealing with other situations and recommend it be delayed. The State Fire Marshall of Iowa’s webpage also lists any burning bans across the state, click here to visit it.