The Mid-Prairie and Iowa Mennonite School FFA Chapters competed at the Southeast District Convention and Career Development Event Saturday, March 5th at DeWitt Central High School. Mid-Prairie is advancing three categories on to the state convention. Mid-Prairie’s Cassidy Rourke is advancing to state with her Gold rating in creed speaking. Greta Schmidt is representing Mid-Prairie at state in the Reporter’s Scrapbook category following her Gold rating at districts and Lindsey Palmer of Mid-Prairie advanced to state as an alternate in the Secretary’s Scrapbook with her Gold rating.
Also participating at districts for Mid-Prairie were Rhett Leonard who received a Silver rating in Ag Broadcasting and Creigh Rourke who received a Silver rating in Public Speaking.
Iowa Mennonite had three students participate at the District Convention. Jacob Boller received a Gold rating in the Greenhand Test, Olivia Marshall received a Silver rating in Ag Broadcasting, and Dakota Lemon a Silver rating in Creed Speaking. The 88th Iowa State FFA Leadership Conference and Convention will take place April 17th-19th in Ames.