Esther Birney, Elmer Schneider, Mike Orris, Howard & Shirley Bohr, Gary Murphy, Robert Spenner, Marie Hora, Pat Greiner, Donnie Davison, Gale Whitacre & Harold Wylie, Nancy Adrian, Jim Frier, Robert Emde, and Harold & Shirley Bohr all have something in common – they’re all in the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame. Nominations for Washington County 4-H Hall of Fame recipients are now being accepted. Each year, counties nominate volunteers, community leaders and Extension staff members for their outstanding service and dedication to the 4-H youth program in their county. The Iowa 4-H Foundation sponsors the annual Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame induction ceremony at the state fair and each year only one couple or individual from each county is nominated to the state. Inductees can be recognized posthumously. Nominations may be sent to the Washington County Extension Office and should include a description of the nominee’s involvment and years of service to the local 4-H program. They will be accepted until April 1st.