The Washington City Council met Tuesday, Mayor Sandra Johnson was absent so councilman Russ Zieglowsky (center) served as mayor pro tem for the meeting. Photo by Sally Y. Hart
On Friday, July 29th, RAGBRAI will overnight in Washington and plans to host the thousands of people are underway. At this week’s Washington City Council meeting the entertainment area for downtown Washington was approved. The area will include double-walled fencing and a limited number of entrances around the square to increase public safety. There will be multiple small stages from noon to 6 p.m. with local talent and the main band that night will play in the band shell.
Michelle Redlinger, director of the Washington Chamber of Commerce and one of the event coordinators, stated they’re working to keep the public safe while showcasing the community. Washington County Engineer Jacob Thorius helped with the map for the area so enough space will be available without crowding. The area will also include food and beverage vendors and first aid booths.