This week marks week number three of Immunization Awareness Month, and the focus is on young children. Nurse Lynn Fisher of Washington County Public Health says one of the most important things to remember regarding young children and vaccines is making sure they’re getting them on time so they’re ready for school. She said people may not realize or be aware that infectious diseases can spread rather quickly in schools, child care, and pre-schools for many reasons. Poor hand-washing, not covering coughs, and being in classrooms with 20-30 other kids in a small area are all causes. Because of this, she says getting immunizations are all the more important.
She added now is the time parents should be checking with their health care providers, making sure their child’s vaccines are up to date. Iowa law requires children entering kindergarten to have several immunizations, including chicken pox, measles-mumps-rubella, polio, hepatitis B, and tetanus. Additionally, students entering 7th grade need a booster for tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis.