The Riverside Area Community Club is hosting the fourth annual Haunted Trail Ride this Saturday, and club secretary Kathy Lindhorst says they hope to give attendees spooky family fun. They will have two hay wagons which will be pulled through the trail, and she said it should take about 30 minutes to get through it all. There are several stops throughout the ride, which Lindhorst hopes will “scare the bejeesus” out of people. However, she assures families it’s all kid friendly.
Lindhorst realizes this weekend is full of several events in the local area, but feels confident they will draw a big crowd because of their secret weapon: space zombies. As the future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek fame, the community club felt it appropriate to add some space-themed scares. The Haunted Trail Ride starts at the Riverside Community Building and runs from 7-10 p.m. on Saturday. In case of rain, it will be pushed back to the following Saturday, October 29th. Cost is $5 for ages 15 and older, $3 for ages 6-14, and kids 5 and under are free. There will also be refreshments including cookies and hot cider and cocoa.