Very few teams traveled more miles last season than the Washington archery team. The program’s fourth year of existence featured a trip to the National Archery in the Schools Program’s national shoot in Louisville, Kentucky, and their first ever National Archery in the Schools Program’s Worlds International Bowhunting Organization’s 3D Challenge shoot in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The pair of out of state competitions exceeded 1,600 miles collectively.

Grace Schafer is among the most traveled of Washington’s returning archers. She joined the archery team as a freshman three years ago and has qualified for the NASP National shoot each year. She was among the shooters who competed at the NASP World’s shoot this past season. She says the trip to the NASP National shoot has always been fun, but the experiences she took from the NASP World’s shoot were priceless.

Schafer’s goals for her final year include a return trip to the National Archery in the Schools Program’s national and worlds shoot. Hear an interview with members of the Washington Archery Team on the Winter Sports Preview Show, found On Demand at