For 100 years Girl Scouts have been selling cookies to help fund their troop experiences. It’s that time of year again, and you can find girl scouts with order forms for the $4 boxes of cookies. Fifth-grade Girl Scouts Natalie Prochaska and Caitlin Kroll are each trying to sell 200 boxes. Prochaska says her favorite is the new s’mores cookie, while Kroll prefers tagalongs. There are 12 different kinds of cookies. This year Washington County troops are organizing cookies for hometown heroes, where they’ll be giving donated boxes of cookies to local emergency responders.
Interim service unit director for Washington County Tricia Kroll says many of the troops do service projects in locally from caroling at nursing homes to helping with project backpack, she says, “The biggest message is we’re trying to teach the girls to give back and do service in their communities.” The cookie sales will go through the end of February and into the beginning of March.