Registration will begin soon for the WACO School District, and families won’t have to step out of their house to do so.
WACO is one of many districts in the area that uses eRegistration as an online tool to register students for classes. This is the third year WACO has used eRegistration, as Superintendent Jeff Dicks mentions, “Last year, when we were a week away from school starting we had 85 percent of the people registered already. So obviously convenience is big and we try to accommodate that.”
eRegistration will be open for WACO on August 1. New families to the district were sent information on the registration process in late July. Families who don’t have access to internet may complete registration at WACO High School in Wayland weekdays from Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. The elementary school will have a back-to-school night from 5:30-6:30 p.m. August 21 at the elementary school in Crawfordsville. A student orientation for 7th-12th graders will be held at 7 p.m. on August 21 at the junior and senior high school in Wayland. Classes begin August 23rd.