Members from Prevent Child Abuse Iowa came to Washington County to speak about instilling connections with children. Members representing law enforcement, public health, and local non-profit organizations filled the conference room at Marr Park for an all day workshop on how to build relationships and resilience with youth. Connections Matter Program Manager Lucy Holms led the event and describes what these community leaders were able to take away, “It’s a very eye opening experience for people learning about how trauma and toxic stress has a physiological impact. About 25% of Iowans grew up with significant trauma in their life. So what people are leaving with is a better idea of people who have experienced trauma in their life and how you can have a more gentle approach in situations, have a little bit more understanding.”
Holms added that she is impressed with how many people in the Washington County area are invested in developing relationships with the local youth. Members from Connections Matter have also helped train all of the teachers in the Washington School District over the last three months.