A jazz soloist from Washington Middle School took home the Overall Outstanding Soloist Award given at the SEIBA Jazzfest. The Washington Middle School band performed in the small class junior high category with 1A, 2A, and 3A schools. Claire Wubbena was named the outstanding soloist for her work on trombone. Other Demons who were presented solo awards include Kevin Flannery, Julianna Watson, Trenton Heisdorffer, and Mikaila Matheson. The middle school jazz band is directed by Craig McClenahan.
WMS Jazz Band Members
Alto Sax: Trenton Heisdorffer & Amelia Dahl
Tenor Sax: Miguel Torrez & Matthew VanderPol
Bari Sax parts (on tuba): Kevin Flannery
Trombones: Claire Wubbena, Levi Applegate, & Taylor Johnson
Trumpets: Caleb Hunger, Samantha Hunger, William Kennedy, & Ada Kendall
Clarinet: Julianna Watson
Drums: Lane Schrock & Brennen Westphal
Vibes: Brennen Westphal
Bass: Will Gilchrist-Brock
Piano: Mikaila Matheson
Guitar: Kael Malichky