
Flood warnings are still in effect along the Iowa and Cedar Rivers. The National Weather Service has a flood warning through Monday morning at Wapello. Tuesday the water level was 23 feet and falling, flood stage there is 21 feet with minor flooding occurring. At Oakville the warning is in effect until further notice. Flood stage there is 11 feet and Tuesday it was at 13.5 feet and steady. Minor flooding is happening and is forecast to continue, impacting agricultural land and roads.

In Washington County, all roads are now open. Washington County Engineer Jacob Thorius advises some of the secondary roads are still needing repairs, “Still not done with some repairs, but they’re open to traffic. Stuff is continuing to get better, but at the same time getting worse, so status quo.”

A flood warning is still in effect for the Cedar River near Conesville until Sunday. Minor flooding is occurring. Listen to KCII for weather updates.