
For the second consecutive year Lake Darling saw a strong turnout for ice fishing. Park Ranger at Lake Darling State Park Zach Haworth said he thought this was a great year based on the total turnout, fisher success, and safety. Looking back, Haworth was impressed with not only the shear turnout, but by how many people from outside of Washington County took part in ice fishing, “Folks were coming from all over the state, from other states. It was not uncommon to drive through and see many, many counties, people driving upwards of two hours just to come fish at Lake Darling. We had an exceptional turnout and I would say a high percentage of those folks had a great experience out there with catching fish, and the comradery, and things like that.”

Haworth added that safety was also a big highlight from the season as there were no reports of people falling through the ice. Lake Darling had about a month of safe ice conditions between February and March.