The Rape Victim Advocacy Program, or RVAP, works to provide free services to help those who are the victims and survivors of sexual violence. RVAP serves eight counties including Washington, Cedar, Des Moines, Henry, Iowa, Johnson, Lee and Van Buren. Staff and volunteers with RVAP were in the audience of the recent Washington City Council meeting, and were applauded by Washington County Attorney John Gish who said these services are needed locally, “Rape, sexual assault does exist here in Washington County. We can try to hide from it as much as possible, but it is prevalent. It is happening. And we don’t even know all of them, because statistics show that 32 out of 100 rapes are ever reported to law enforcement. And so, law enforcement and I are working hard to change that.”
Mayor Jaron Rosien proclaimed April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the City of Washington.
The free, confidential services of RVAP are available with counseling, advocacy, therapy, support groups and 24-hour crisis phone lines. The RVAP crisis hotline is 1-800-228-1625.