Five employees with over 100 years of service combined to Washington County were applauded at Tuesday’s Washington County Board of Supervisors meeting. Deputy Auditor Amber Day awarded the certificates. Auditor Dan Widmer shared his thanks, “We started this a couple, three years ago, and I just think it’s really important to recognize these long term employees, long time employees of Washington County. As we’re all aware, it seems like as the years go on you don’t see as many 30-, 40-, 20-year employees as maybe we used to.” Employees recognized include Kent Davis with 35 years in the roads department, Cara Sorrells with 30 years in emergency communications, Teresa Todd with 25 years in emergency communications, Bobbie Wulf with 21 years in mental health and disability services, and Pam Holz with 20 years at county conservation. In total, 131 years of service to Washington County was celebrated.