
Helpful hands are needed to volunteer for this year’s Washington Summer Classic. The four-day festival is organized by the Washington Chamber of Commerce. Event Coordinator Alisha Davis is setting up the Ag Day, Family Day, Ridiculous Day, Flightline Live, and Latino Festival, “I am just looking for volunteers, people that want to help doing anything from helping with kids activities, to helping clean up the park, or trash, or things like that. To helping at our Flightline concert take tickets or help where it’s needed, in the beverage area, or the food, or parking. So just anything like that. We have something for everybody to do. And the fun part is you get to be down there, and help the community, and get involved.”

The Summer Classic begins May 30th and ends June 2nd with activities in Central Park and at the Washington Municipal Airport. To volunteer contact Davis at the Washington Chamber of Commerce. (319) 653-3272