An excessive heat warning is in effect for the entire KCII-listening area until Saturday night, so take precautions to protect yourself and your family. Temperatures will be in the mid-90s with heat index values ranging from 105 to 115 degrees.
With this extreme heat there is an increased risk of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include heaving sweating, cold clammy skin, a fast weak pulse, nausea or vomiting, muscle cramps, weakness, dizziness, headache and fainting. Symptoms of heat stroke are similar and also include a high body temperature of 103 degrees or more, differences include skin will be hot and pulse will be fast and strong. Washington County Public Health Administrator Danielle Pettit-Majewskis says there are different steps you should take for heat exhaustion versus heat stroke, “Heat stroke is really more crucial, so you need to make sure that you call 911 right away if someone is experiencing these symptoms. Move that person to a cooler place, you know, get them in some shade, get them in some air conditioning. Help them lower their temperature with cool cloths or a cool bath. And do not give that person something to drink, it seems kind of counter-intuitive. Because with heat exhaustion, you’ll again, you’ll want to move to a cool place, loosen your clothes, put those cool cloths on your body, but you’ll want to sip water with that heat exhaustion. And with heat exhaustion you’ll want to get help right away if you’re throwing up, if your symptoms get worse, or if they last longer than an hour.” Those high body temperatures can cause damage to your brain and other vital organs.
People more susceptible to heat stroke include infants, the elderly, people who are ill, and those who are overweight. To prevent heat-related illness stay hydrated, find air conditioning, avoid strenuous activities, and check on family members and neighbors. Also, put on sunscreen to protect your skin, as a sunburn can raise your internal temperature. And when staying hydrated, avoid sugary drinks and those that are really cold; water is the best option to keep your body hydrated.