First year volleyball coach Tanna Boshart and the Iowa Mennonite School volleyball program are gearing up for their annual summer camp. The camp is set for July 29th through August 1st. Students entering high school will meet daily from 8:30a.m. to noon with students in fourth through eighth grade attending from 1-4p.m. Cost is $45. Campers should bring volleyball shoes, knee pads, shorts, t-shirt and a water bottle. The camp will focus on offensive fundamentals, serving form, hitting approach, down balls, attacks, setting, defensive fundamentals, serve receive, passing, blocking and team defensive position. Goal for the camp is for players to develop skills, an ability to work together as a team, have an enjoyable experience and gain a greater understanding of the game. Camp will be held at Hillcrest Union on the campus of Iowa Mennonite School. For more information visit the IMS website.