
Photo courtesy of Washington High School

Homecoming festivities continue for the Washington School District tonight with the crowning of the king and queen. Spirit Night is being held at the Washington High School auditorium at 7 p.m. Fall sports teams, the Marching Demon Nation, and the homecoming court will be announced. The king and queen will be crowned. King candidates are Jadon Crawford, Liam Eldridge, Evan Horak, Brock Sobaski, and Luke Turner. Queen candidates include Lupita De La Rosa, Taytum Hobscheidt, Sophie Murphy, Abby Voss, and Audrey Wubbena. Hear the announcement on KCII tonight.

Washington High School Principal Erik Buchholz is reminding students to be safe and make smart decisions, “We have an assembly even on Monday with our students to talk about Homecoming expectations. And a big part of that really is simply to be safe. It doesn’t matter how great the event is, with a tragedy that happens it ruins the event. So it’s of utmost importance that with all the excitement that goes on with the week that people focus on what is necessary to be safe.”

Friday afternoon the parade in Washington will start at 2 p.m. It will go from the high school, up Iowa Avenue and around Central Park. The Homecoming game against Keokuk kicks off at 7:30 p.m. Hear the game live on KCII. The high school will host a dance for students Saturday at 8:30 p.m.