
Parents of young children should be considering pre-school and kindergarten enrollment soon. St. James Elementary School and Stewart Elementary School in Washington are both holding kindergarten round-up sessions in the next few weeks. St. James Principal Rebecca Clarahan says St. James is open to anyone, “We all want the best education for our children. And whether Catholic or not, St. James School provides quality education aligned with the common core while developing students into lifelong learners of their Christian faith.”

St. James kindergarten round-up will be February 25th from 6-7:15 p.m. at Tobin Hall. It is for parents of children turning 5-years-old by September 15th, 2020. Also, St. James preschool round-up is tonight (2/18) from 6-7:15 p.m. for parents of three- and four-year-old children.

Stewart Elementary’s kindergarten round-up will be March 16th from 6-7:30 p.m. And preschool registration for Stewart Elementary is open now through March 17th.