
Two people who have died from COVID-19 were employees of Tyson Foods in Columbus Junction. Communications Manager Liz Croston with Tyson Foods tells KCII News the two people were members of the company. Names were not released.

According to Louisa County Public Health as of Wednesday, 166 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Louisa County, 148 of those cases are associated with the Tyson Foods outbreak.

The State sent 900 more COVID-19 test kits to the plant in Columbus Junction Wednesday. Governor Kim Reynolds announced on Tuesday that over half of the new positive cases that day were tied to the Columbus Junction plant. The State originally sent 200 test kits there last week after two dozen employees tested positive for the virus. CEO of Tyson Foods Noel White announced added measures to be taken at every location which includes staff taking the temperature of each worker before they enter facilities and efforts to deep clean and sanitize. Croston says the Columbus Junction plant will remain closed for the rest of the week and employees will continue to be paid while the plant is idle.