As teachers and staff continue to adjust to online classes and video calls with their students, Mid-Prairie Superintendent Mark Schneider is using some of his time to spread joy to the Mid-Prairie community. The Adventures of Busy Bear showcases a giant stuffed teddy bear visiting various places throughout the day. Busy Bear is shown grabbing lunch, riding his horse, and doing chores around the house. Schnieder tells KCII News how the Busy Bear idea came alive, “First of all, it was just kind of a goofy idea that took off, but also to kind of give the younger students in the district something to look forward to and read every day and to see what Busy Bear was up to. Obviously, Busy Bear is also supposed to be a role model for those younger students that are home. Instead of watching TV all day, he kind of gives them some ideas on things that they could be doing throughout the day.”
Busy Bear was excited to share his activities from home, but he wanted to send a message to all of his friends at Mid-Prairie, “I really miss my friends. I wish I could see them. I can’t wait until this is over. And I just want to say, ‘Hello to all the Mid-Prairie students that are out there!’” A new photo of Busy Bear is shared to Mid-Prairie’s social media pages every day.