The Highland School Board heard an update on their waste water project at Monday’s work session. HR Green project manager Matt Wildman had a conversation with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources on the proposed SAGR System for waste water management at the high school. Wildman says the DNR had some resistance to the system proposed and wanted to look at other options instead. Wildman told the board how this might extend the project’s completion date, “If you can design something that they can review and check all the boxes, the review process normally takes a couple of months to get something through. Right now, the time frame can be thrown out the window as they are working from home right now, too. It’s just a longer and slower process. The unusual part of what you guys are experiencing, is I’m doing my best that I can to keep the cost of this system as low as possible. It is crazy to me to think that you need to be treated the same as a 5,000-person community when we’re dealing with eight hours a day of flow load coming in five days a week primarily and nine months out of the year.” Wildman says some systems brought up during the discussion with the DNR cost over $1 million, while the system he wants implemented would be half of that cost. Wildman hopes to have a better sense of direction from the DNR for the project within the next few weeks.