
Students have been home since mid-March due to the COVID-19 outbreak and are about to begin summer vacation. While some parents are worried about their children getting enough exercise, Highland Physical Education Teacher Clay Eaton has a solution. Eaton has posted videos online of activities and exercises kids and parents can do at home during quarantine, and now summer vacation. Eaton tells KCII News how his family has adjusted to a new schedule fully at home, “It’s good to have downtime, but we only want so much of it and then you start to get bored, both kids and adults. The important thing is figuring out what works well and we figured out kind of a schedule at our house that works well for us. We’ll get up and do our work that needs done in the morning. Right now for our kids it’s their school work, and for my wife and I both being teachers it’s kind of getting our school work done as well. Then we save time in the afternoon to play outside and be active. We save that downtime and that rest time for the evening.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that adolescent children, between the ages of 6 and 17, should do at least 60 minutes or more of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity each day. Eaton suggests parents carve out some personal time to decompress and relax after a long day of playing with their kids.