
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will allow anglers to fish without a license this weekend. From June 5-7, Iowans of any age can go out and fish during the DNR’s free fishing weekend. During this weekend, all regulations, such as daily harvesting limits, bass length, and possession limits will still be in place. Iowa DNR Fisheries Biologist Chad Dolan overlooks many lakes around southeast Iowa and says the fish populations are looking great, “The fish population in my district looks fantastic, to be honest. That’s really a testament to the anglers. Most anglers are compliant with any laws and regulations, and those are set to keep fish in place like largemouth bass. We want to make sure they’re there, they have a chance to reproduce, and ultimately they’re controlling the populations. We’re successful because people in the general public are cooperative and follow the regulations we set.” 


Dolan recommends individuals try fishing at Lake Darling, Clemons Creek and Crawford Pond this weekend. Individuals are encouraged to consider purchasing a yearly, seven-day, or 24-hour fishing license to continue the fishing fun even after free fishing weekend concludes. Fishing is a great way to not only spend time with friends and family, but also to socially distance yourself from other members of the public during the COVID-19 outbreak.