
As school districts in the KCII listening area limit the number of guests that come into school buildings, Washington County Naturalist Megan Jorgensen has found creative ways to continue conservation programs. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Jorgensen has shifted her conservation lessons online through recorded videos and even on the popular video sharing app TikTok. In July, the conservation department was able to hold three summer camps, with limitations, to praise from parents. 


Jorgensen says the conservation department will still hold programming for students while following COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, “I’ve had some families approach us or contact me about bringing their kids out to the nature center or a group of kids to do some programming. There’s going to be ways and there’s potential for us to adapt and work around not being able to go into the school. But, it’s definitely going to be difficult. If I have families contact me about programming we try to limit it to the immediate family, not like large groups. And then in particular to our Halloween Hike that will be coming up in October, we’ll probably limit that to one family at each station within the hike at a time.” 


Upcoming programs happening at Marr Park include Movies at the Park on September 12 featuring the movie The Lion King, the Run Wild 5K race on September 19, and their Halloween Hike on October 17. Find more information on these events at kciiradio.com under the community calendar.