
October ended on a warm note and State Climatologist Justin Glisan is sharing what weather Iowans can expect in November, “It looks like we’re trending for above chances of warmer than normal conditions along with equal chances of above, below, or near average precipitation. So, we’re not getting a real clear signal on the precipitation side. However if we look at the short-term outlooks that kind of give us some guidance from the last week of October, we are showing slightly elevated chances of warmer than normal conditions, again which do mesh with the final outlook along with near normal precipitation conditions.”

He shares what the outlooks are showing for the winter as a whole, “The current outlook for November, December, January does show us with an equal chance of above, below, or near average temperatures for the northern half of the state, and then a slightly elevated signal for warmer conditions across southern Iowa. Precipitation-wise we’re stuck in that E.C., equal chance, of above, below, or near average condition, and this is tied into the phase of the El Nino southern oscillation. We’re currently in what’s called the La Nina phase, and that’s the cold phase of that cycle.”

This week in Washington the forecast is calling for mostly sunny skies with high temperatures in the 60s. Listen to KCII for weather updates.