
Washington Clover Kids kicked off the Iowa 4-H Food Drive for Washington County by donating 90 items at their November club meeting. The Clover Kids prepared seven complete meal bags. Throughout the month, Washington County Extension will be accepting food donations for the HACAP food bank.

Donors are invited to help give towards their meal-in-a-bag program. Washington County 4-H selected a recipe from the ISU Healthy and Homemade cookbook that calls for canned chicken, chili powder, canned black beans, canned corn, salsa, tortillas, and cooking spray. Donations of these items can be dropped off at Washington County Extension and the items will be sorted and packaged so that they become a meal-in-a-bag complete with the recipe.

Washington County 4-H Coordinator Amy Green says meal planning, shopping, and cupboard searching can be frustrating but this bag should make at least one meal easier for a family while encouraging them to cook and eat a healthy meal together.

Photo courtesy of Washington County 4-H: Washington Clover Kid and 4-H members delivered seven complete Meal-in-a-Bag donations to HACAP in their hand designed bags made at the November club meeting. Recipients will receive a recipe and all the ingredients to prepare a healthy and homemade meal. Cora Miller, Adrian Green, Megan Eaton, Stella Eaton, Charley Eaton and Bo Eaton made the delivery to Washington HACAP.