The Kalona Public Library is again going to curbside-only pickup service due the rising cases of COVID-19. As of Tuesday, the library doors are locked and Library Co-Director Olivia Kahler says curbside hours will be 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, and 9:30 to noon Saturday mornings. Kahler says there are various ways patrons can place their orders, “They can call then library, they can send an email to any member of the library staff, they can send us a Facebook message, or they can use our virtual chat on our website, in order to get books pulled for them and we will deliver outside to their car when they arrive.” Like they did this past summer when the library shut down to COVID-19, Kahler says they will also be offering take-and-make craft bags for the kids that can be ordered just like books. Kahler says curbside-only service will be in place at least through November 30 and they will evaluate the status at that time.