A warm coat, dry boots, a new book, paper towels, dish soap, these necessities are some of the items listed on area families’ wish lists as the holiday season arrives. United Way of Johnson and Washington Counties has a program to help connect people who want to give and those in need. Patti Fields with United Way says their Holiday Adopt-a-Family program helped 41 families and over 200 individuals last year.
Families are referred to the program through service agencies. Fields says their goal is to connect families and help fill a need, “For example one family does not have a Christmas tree. And so, they’re really hoping to have one this year. And so there may be someone who has an extra or who may be wanting to replace their tree. So, something that is even gently used is accepted. Certainly, families are very thankful for everything they receive. And so, we can certainly help make those connections. As well as certain places there’s concern around even the health and safety of shopping and that sort of thing, and gift cards are also accepted, although we connect that to the organization as opposed to individuals.”
Families, businesses, service organizations, and pods of friends can volunteer to adopt a family for the holidays and help provide gifts and household necessities this season. Adopters will receive a wish list from a family including clothing sizes, items they need, and perhaps a toy or two that their child is dreaming of. Fields says with COVID-19 impacting employment they are seeing an increase in need locally.
To join the Holiday Adopt-a-Family program contact Fields at (319) 338-7823 or patti.fields@unitedwayjwc.org.