
The Washington City Council adopted their strategic priorities work plan for the 2021 and 2022 calendar years during their regular meeting Tuesday.

The plan’s high priorities mention developing a capital equipment replacement plan with a proposed funding plan, begin implementation of an updated water facility plan to address water distribution infrastructure, begin planning for the streetscape expansion project, and plan and develop Madison Park expansion and improvements which Mayor Jaron Rosien expressed excitement for work to proceed hopefully in mid 2021. The top priorities for the plan include completing the study and implementation of a City EMS first-responder unit to supplement the County’s EMS changes, completing the Wellness Park sports complex administrative setup, supporting an application to the Iowa Great Places program, and conducting diversity training for elected officials and staff.

The long-term priorities include a continuation to update and implement the City’s Capital Improvements Plan, completing evaluation of all three sewer basins, promoting business development, and maintaining and improving sidewalk infrastructure.