
The Louisa County Board of Supervisors approved policies and procedures for county employees who test positive for COVID-19, during a special meeting held November 25..  

Procedures say the COVID positive employee should notify their department head and must notify the Louisa County Public Health Department as soon as they become aware of their results.  Employees are not allowed to work while test results are pending and, using Iowa Department of Public Health guidelines, the LCPH will conduct contact tracing to determine who else may have been in close contact with that employee.  If the County employee does not reside in Louisa county, the investigation is to be conducted by the health department in the county the employee resides. The policy also calls for LCPH to work with department heads to determine essential and/or critical workforce for staffing needs and whether an employee is to be quarantined.  

The policy also allows for a scenario that if both the positive case employee and close contact were wearing masks during their close contact, the close contact does not need to quarantine, but should symptom check for 14 days following contact.