
Fans of the Lone Tree girls and boys basketball teams are encouraged to “get a big head” about showing their Lions’ support.

The school’s chapter of National Honor Society is taking orders for the “Virtual Lions Den” in which people can have their likeness printed on cardboard cutouts to display in the stands at upcoming basketball games. With fan attendance at varsity sporting events in Iowa limited to just two spectators per player due COVID-19 restrictions, NHS teacher advisor Jessica Howard says the project is a way to let players feel a little less isolated on the court, “We’re hoping that our NHS can team with our basketball to support both programs and make sure our student-athletes feel supported and they don’t feel alone when they’re playing on that court.”

Howard, who teaches business and technology at Lone Tree, says the school recently received a grant to purchase a poster printer making the cardboard cutouts possible. She credits the sophomore NHS members for pushing the project forward.  

Howards says cutouts start at $15 and they’ll work on designing and producing them as orders come in. Call 319-936-8165 for orders and more information.