
Hospice of Washington County’s 26th annual soup supper fundraiser is less than a couple weeks away, and they are currently seeking donations for their themed basket online auction.

The non-profit organization that serves a seven-county region is seeking items or monetary donations for 14 themed basket ideas until January 19th which can either be dropped off at their office or arrangements can be made for the hospice staff to pick them up. Executive Director Katrina Altenhofen says instead of an in-person auction, this year it will be held on their Facebook page beginning on the evening of their soup supper, “Instead of coming into the building and looking at things and putting a bid on it we’ll have 15 baskets online that you can bid for such as a Hawkeye, Cyclone, baby boy basket, baby girl basket, I think the bloody mary basket was another one that was thrown out so that we have a variety of things.”

The soup supper will be a drive-up service from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 26th at the United Presbyterian Church in Washington. They will be offering three homemade soups, bread, and dessert for a freewill donation, with all proceeds going to help offset the costs of patient care for the organization.