
The cities of Kalona and Wellman have joined forces to deliver food to seniors in need on a weekly basis through at least the end of February.

Kalona City Administrator Ryan Schlabaugh says they’ve provided 130 to 140 seniors a week with bags containing a week’s worth of food items or hot meals made by the Goodwin Dining Center in Wellman. He says the reaction from the seniors they’ve served makes it rewarding, “I know that as I deliver and speak with those individuals that are getting the meals, they’re just ecstatic to maybe take a break and have a little social interaction and have a hot meal delivered to them at their home with them not being able to go out easily now. It’s beneficial to them and we’re starting to realize that.”

Deliveries are made Tuesday through Thursday and Schlabaugh says seniors wishing to receive a food bag or hot meal should place their order with the city a week in advance. He says the popularity of the senior meal program appears to have affected the utilization of their Pop Up Pantry on January 16th. He says they handed out about 140 of the 200 food boxes they had prepared, contrasting with previous pantries when they distributed every box. He says if it means there’s less demand from people in need, that’s okay.