
If you happen to be in the Winfield-Mount Union School District today(Feb. 10), you might be seeing red, but in a good way.

To promote Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Week, the district has asked teachers, staff and students to wear red today to raise awareness for CHD and in support of freshman Alisha Woodsmall, who’s battled CHD since she was born. Alisha’s mother, Nicole Giberson says Alisha had her first open heart surgery when she was six days old, with another surgery to follow three months later and a third surgery six years ago. Giberson says a fourth surgery could be in the future, but her daughter, now 15, is doing well, “My daughter is 100 percent a fighter. She doesn’t let her heart defect slow her down any. She is, for the lack of a better word, she’s a scrapper. She just doesn’t slow down from it.”

Giberson says Alisha has participated in softball, volleyball, and band. In addition to those wearing red clothing today, English teacher Nikki Gerling also made red “heart” masks to show support for Alisha and CHD.

*pictured are Alisha and WMU teachers Mrs. Freman and Mrs. Gerling.