
The Washington County Board of Supervisors tabled the first reading of a proposed wind energy property assessment ordinance at their meeting Tuesday.

The reading was placed on the agenda following a public hearing that was held at the Washington County Conservation Education Center on February 17th. Supervisor Jack Seward Jr. shared that most of the public feedback he has received since then has been opposed to wind energy, while Board Chair Richard Young says the feedback he’s received has been the opposite. Supervisor Bob Yoder stated his belief that the wind energy assessment is a “sweetheart deal” for landowners that would have windmills placed on their property, and he drew concerns on whether a wind farm would be environmentally friendly. Supervisor Stan Stoops referred to the wind mills as “obnoxious,” but he mentioned his belief that the board has historically been a champion of landowners’ rights. The board decided to table the first reading until next week, when new supervisor Marcus Fedler is on the board.