
The Keota Community School District and the Keota City Council began discussions on a possible collaboration for a before and after school program at a recent meeting. Keota Superintendent and High School Principal Jim Henrich attended the meeting to discuss options for a program at the school, referencing community and student interest in a program from a recent survey. Henrich stated his goal is to begin offering the service June 1st with hours from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. through the summer for those ages four years through sixth grade. During the school year, the hours would be from 6a.m. to the start of classes then from dismissal to 6 p.m.

Henrich said that they would be required to have three to five associates on hand for the number of anticipated students. In his conversation with the school business manager, if Keota Schools supplied the facilities and hired the staff, they would like to run the financial aspect through the city budget, where the school would collect registration fees and other monies to funnel through the city, to have the city of Keota pay the wages and benefits. Parents would have the option to pay for morning sessions, afternoon sessions or full day sessions. This idea also included an academic aspect. The council did not take any action, but agreed to further discussion before a final decision would be made.