The Washington County Board of Supervisors approved appointments to a commission that meets once each decade during their meeting Tuesday.

As part of the 2020 census the supervisors appointed members to the temporary redistricting commission following a work session that was held last week. It was determined that the board would select three members and the county democratic chair would select two. The minority party selected Lorraine Williams and Harold Frakes, and Bill Poch, Chris Graber, and Steve Swaffer were chosen, who reside in supervisors Bob Yoder, Marcus Fedler, and Jack Seward Jr.’s districts, respectively. County Auditor Dan Widmer says the state’s deadline to form the commission is May 15th, “I will contact the chairperson and say, ‘Here are the final census numbers,’ and then it’ll be up to the chair to determine a meeting time. And we’ll have a schedule for them when this all needs to be accomplished and it’ll be up to him or her to take it from there.”

The supervisors also appointed former Riverside mayor Poch to serve as chairperson, and approved compensation for the commission members at $25 for each day they meet with mileage reimbursement of 39 cents per mile.