
A mental health provider in Washington is bringing back an event to help area children start the impending school year with a refreshed attitude and hairdo.

Grace C. Mae Advocate Center is excited to resurrect their free back-to-school hair cut event that was previously held a few years ago. Any child or teen that’s in need of a haircut can schedule an appointment to receive one at the Stairway to the Stars Dance Studio in Washington. Office Manager Lisa Miller says this event has been very rewarding in the past, “The kids would all leave with big smiles and they just were very happy. And we had a lot of kids come up and tell us that that was the first time they had their hair cut by a stylist. Normally they would just kind of get it cut at home or it doesn’t get cut, so they were really excited to have an actual stylist cut their hair.”

Stylists are volunteering their time to give the haircuts, and Miller says they are still welcoming additional volunteers to help serve as many youth as possible. They are also accepting donations of shampoo, conditioner, and other toiletries to give away as goodie bags for the children. The event will last from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, August 14th and appointments are required. To donate materials, time, or schedule an appointment, call the phone number above.