
A lack of precipitation allowed farmers 5.7 suitable days for fieldwork last week according to the latest Iowa Crop Progress and Condition report from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.

A majority of Iowa’s stations observed precipitation deficits between 0.50 and 0.75 inches as extreme drought expanded in northwest and east-central Iowa. The state’s corn condition was rated 61% good to excellent. Corn silking or beyond reached 96%, equal to the five-year average. Corn in or beyond the dough state reached 64%, four days ahead of average, and 11% of the crop has reached the dent stage, three days ahead of normal. Ninety-seven percent of soybeans were blooming, 10 days ahead of the five-year average, with soybean setting pods reaching 84%, eight days ahead of normal. Soybean condition was rated 60% good to excellent. Field activities continue to include applying fungicides and insecticides and harvesting hay and oats. Hay condition rated 55% good to excellent with pasture condition rated at 35% good to excellent.