
Safety concerns at a four-way intersection north of downtown were discussed at the recent Washington City Council meeting.

City Council Member Elaine Moore brought up during her report that she has received multiple traffic complaints including from Washington County Mini Bus about the intersection of North Iowa Avenue and 3rd Street. Moore said the recent opening of a fitness gym and other nearby businesses have led to increased parking on 3rd Street, which makes it difficult to watch for east and west bound traffic when crossing on Iowa Avenue. Moore proposed that four-way stops be placed at that intersection as well as the intersection of 3rd Street and Marion Avenue, “That business is booming there on the corner, which is wonderful. Everybody’s being healthy, I’m not crabbing about any business, but I think that those two intersections have become a big concern and I hope it doesn’t take somebody getting hurt before we do something or really look into it.”

Other council members and Police Chief Jim Lester agreed that the intersection of 3rd and Iowa has been an issue, and Lester suggested that it could be made into a four-way stop. The council directed Lester to look into the issue to be brought back at the next council meeting.