
Drought conditions are creeping into Washington County as central to northern Iowa is seeing varying levels of dryness.

The weekly map released by the U.S. Drought Monitor shows the northwest corner of Washington County as abnormally dry, the first report of dryness in the county since mid June. Contiguous counties Keokuk and Johnson are both experiencing abnormally dry conditions in the approximate northwest half of their areas, and Iowa County is having abnormally dry to moderate drought intensity.

Some counties in the northern and eastern areas of Iowa are experiencing extreme drought, as this week’s Crop Progress and Condition report stated that topsoil moisture levels deteriorated in central Iowa. Statewide, topsoil moisture levels rated 18% very short, 35% short, 46% adequate, and 1% surplus. Subsoil moisture levels rated 22% very short, 42% short, 36% adequate, and 0% surplus. Some areas of the state have had haying and grazing of Conservation Reserve Program lands approved in response to drought conditions.