
Photo courtesy of Highland ESO.

As Highland elementary school students return for the school year, a new playground amenity is now available for them to enjoy.

The Highland FFA Chapter recently installed a new nature space at the elementary playground. The Highland Elementary Support Organization reached out to the FFA members about the project back this past May. The chapter officers and members gathered to discuss designs and budget and then presented it to the ESO. After approval was given for the proposed project and budget, the FFA began fundraising money for the necessary supplies. Highland FFA President Mackinze Hora gives credit to those who assisted with this project, “Big thank you to everyone who donated. We had a lot of help that we couldn’t have done it without anyone there. We had tons of businesses that we’re gonna list off soon in a Facebook post about that helped and offered their business and gave us discounts on things. So it was just a big team effort.” 

The new nature space was unveiled to the public on August 22nd. Students are now enjoying four new sandboxes, sensory tables with rocks, sand and water and giant wooden logs for climbing and sitting.