
First half real estate and mobile home taxes are due this month for property owners.

Washington County Treasurer Jeff Garrett says taxes must be paid by September 30th to avoid penalty. On October 1st a penalty of 1.5% per month rounded to the nearest whole dollar with a $1 minimum will be attached. Garrett strongly discourages in-person payments in order to reduce wait times and comply with social distancing standards. Payments can be mailed to the treasurer’s PO Box 889, Washington, Iowa, 52353, placed in the drop box located by the west door of the courthouse, or paid online at Statement coupons must also accompany payments. Payments sent by mail must have a US Postal Service postmark date of September 30th or before, to avoid penalty. Predated checks are not accepted as a substitute for the proper postmark. Contact the treasurer’s office at 319-653-7721 for help with alternate payment methods.